QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Episode #111: Cost Data Collection, Take 5 - Section 5 That is...
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
As promised, the Board and Collar communicators have prepared yet another episode dedicated to the Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection mandate. We chose certain sections of the online reporting tool instrument that, in our opinions, will cause the most stress for respondents. As ground ambulance providers and suppliers compile and collect the necessary data that will be used to complete the online reporting tool, we walk beside you providing insight into the more complex sections. In this edition we’ll begin a 2-part focus on Section 5: Service Volume where we’ll look, first, at the 4 subsections that will require answers and help you anticipate how to break out the numbers and even provide our thoughts regarding why we think this section is one of the more important ones for this project.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
We’re learning more every day about the Cost Data Collection Instrument. Beginning with this podcast, we’re going to peel the layers off the cost reporting “onion” and focus on the sections we think may be the most challenging for our listeners to complete when reporting. Our first installment covers Part 4- Reporting Emergency Response Times. We’ll explain what CMS is looking for when reporting in this section. We’ll also provide you with the preferred calculation method to determine the Emergency Response Time and review how you will determine the Average Response Time and also the 90th Percentile Response Time. Now it’s TIME to listen in!
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Episode #109: PCS Form 2020 - Ch..Ch..Ch..Changes
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
We all love the PCS Form (cough, cough) and we know what a joy it is to complete and get all the required boxes and signatures (cough again) for each non-emergent patient we transport. Did you know there are changes forthcoming in January of 2020? Yep, in the words of the late rocker, David Bowie, Ch..Ch..Ch..Changes are needed to make your PCS Form compliant and acceptable. Tune in to this short edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar to get a quick synopsis of these changes. Take a listen and if your organization does non-emergency transports this will be 4 minutes and 32 seconds well spent - about 1 minute longer than David Bowie's recording. You can't sing along to this version but it's much more informative.
Written by: G. HarvatPresented by: G. Harvat

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Episode #108: Excuse My Medic Pod Magazine Special Edition (Nov. 25, 2019)
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Welcome to this Special Edition of Excuse My Medic. If you haven't familiarized yourself with the CMS Cost Data Collection program then this episode should be a "must listen" for you. All ambulance services will be directly or indirectly affected by this program and already over 2,500 ambulance providers across the country have been notified of their required participation. Whether your organization is part of the initial group or one that has yet to take their turn in the Cost Data line, you need to understand and pay close attention to the process unfolding right now.
The Excuse My Medic Team looks at Cost Data Collection and all the requirements and stipulations forthcoming. Tune in and don't tune out on this very important subject matter affecting our industry.
Your Hosts: Ed Marasco, Chuck Humphrey and Gary Harvat

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Welcome to QMC's 10Q30 EMS Leadership profile. This month, we are featuring the The Town of Derry New Hampshire. Tune in to hear Chuck Hemeon, Director of Town of Derry EMS as he responds to our ten questions in thirty minutes. You will find Chuck's responses to each of our questions interesting and in many cases, thought-provoking. This is a great 10Q so take a moment to join in and hear from one of New England's best.
Your Host: Gary Harvat

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Have Medicare Part B payments for ambulance transports increased or decreased in the last year? Who saw more Medicare ambulance dollars and who saw fewer dollars? What were the Medicare Part B spending trends for ambulance transports in 2018 compared to the previous year? We answer these questions and more in this edition of the QMC EMS|Board &Collar Podcast.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Episode #105: A Day in the Life of EMS Economics
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Economics affects every business and every person. Understanding and preparing for the economic impact on your EMS organization is important and your ticket to keeping the lights on year round. Do you have a budget and do you conform to it each year or do you just spend when there's a couple of extra dollars in the bank account? On this edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar we look at defining your operation and working with EMS economics to keep you afloat through the year. Guessing, is no longer a viable option for survival. Research, plan and implement with a sound road map for managing everything from capital purchases to personnel staffing to the number of 4x4 dressings. It's a day in the life of EMS economics.Speaker's Note: Special thanks goes to Bob Holdsworth, President of The Holdsworth Group for today's podcast. Bob is a well-respected veteran paramedic, entrepreneur and founder of The Holdsworth Group, an international consulting firm that has been providing marketing, strategic planning and executive coaching services to clients in the EMS, healthcare and government arenas since 1988. Thanks to Bob and feel free to contact him at: bob@holdsworth.com
Presented by: B. HoldsworthWritten by: Bob Holdsworth of The Holdsworth Group

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
You're probably reading this write-up after seeing the title and thinking you'll pass on this presentation. Here's a tip - DON'T. Understanding the Medicare Fee Schedule and how it affects your EMS organization is not only important, it's something you need to pay attention to at least, annually. Yes, we admit, this episode of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar does not contain a Pulitzer prize-winning subject matter but as Einstein (or some other cool dude) once said a couple of years back, Knowledge is Power. Know this, understand this and be vigilant enough to learn how this affects your operations each day. Be an Einstein.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

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