QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Episode #103: HIPAA, HIPPA, HIPPO....NPP? Do You Really Know?
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Chances are your EMS agency’s HIPAA NPP is one of those necessary evils that no one thinks about. Sometime two decades ago we all were keyed in to this requirement. But, since then, maybe not so much. How long has it been since you read over your NPP? Does it contain all the latest language to incorporate the HITECH Act provisions? Is it posted to your website and displayed somewhere in your station? In this edition of the QMC EMS Board and Collar we offer some practical tips to help you re-energize your HIPAA NPP strategy!
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
In a rut? Don't like change? What's the problem? The problem may be living in your bathroom mirror. Take a look, examine yourself and ask, are you open to risk and reasonable change? Today, in this edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar we'll discuss the crazy idea of embracing change. Speaker's Note: Special thanks goes to Bob Holdsworth, President of The Holdsworth Group for today's podcast script. Bob is a well-respected veteran paramedic, entrepreneur and founder of The Holdsworth Group, an international consulting firm that has been providing marketing, strategic planning and executive coaching services to clients in the EMS, healthcare and government arenas since 1988. Thanks to Bob and feel free to contact him at: bob@holdsworth.com
Presented by: G. HarvatWritten by: Bob Holdsworth of The Holdsworth Group

Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
There are many key issues affecting EMS operations each day but one of the largest issues affecting the industry across the nation is employee recruitment and retention. Join Gary and Tim Myers, Regional Human Resource Manager from Quick Med Claims as we explore best practices and tips for employee recruitment and retention in this edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar.
Presented by: Tim MyersFacilitator: Gary Harvat

Friday Oct 18, 2019
Episode #100: Excuse My Medic Pod Magazine (October 17, 2019)
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Welcome to the October 2019 edition of Excuse My Medic. On today's show we get an updated look at Surprise Ambulance Billing and the legislative process underway from our colleague and co-host, Ed Marasco. Also, some great Positive EMS News and some laughs and entertainment with the EMS Word of the Day. Don't miss out downloading this episode; it will make sitting in traffic on your way to or from work a lot more enjoyable. Put on the lap belt and hold onto the wheel, your drive just got better!
Your Hosts: Chuck Humphrey, Ed Marasco and Gary Harvat

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
What does R4407CP, CPI-U, MFP and AIF have to do with the ambulance industry? Let’s talk increase in the National Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule where more money based on inflation is a good thing. But there’s a catch. If we’re more efficient in our processes in EMS, how does that affect the final approval amounts for payment from Medicare? When there seems to be more questions than answers about Medicare, that’s where the QMC EMS Board and Collar Podcast steps in to sort it all out. We’re glad you joined us as we unravel the complexity of adjustments coming in 2020!
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Episode #98: Fun at Work? Is this Possible...Really?
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Who decided long ago that work has to be all work? Surely, most of us in the working world do NEED to work but does it have to be all work and no fun? I think not. Today, in this Keynote episode of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar we explore having fun at work. Yes, having fun. Fun needs to be an essential element of every workplace but probably none more importantly than the public safety sector and for the sake of this podcast, EMS Professionals. Our profession dictates stressful decisions be made quickly and in many cases, the scenario is life or death. That's a lot to carry on our shoulders so when we return to the base after that bad call, there needs to be respite for the weary and that can come in many forms but one of the keys is simply, fun. Have FUN listening to this episode.
Presented by: G. HarvatWritten by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
So, what's your plan Stan? Great employee, chronic back pain and he/she comes to work with the Medical Marijuana card. What is your approach, how is your policy written and gosh, what do you say in response when confronted with this new organizational challenge headed your way? A few tips along the way for you to consider. Not legal advice but surely some sound recommendations that you should pay attention in order not to be caught off guard. Today, we explore this medicinal weed and the workplace...YOUR workplace. All here in today's edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar.
Speaker's Note: Special thanks goes to Bob Holdsworth, President of The Holdsworth Group for today's podcast script. Bob is a well-respected veteran paramedic, entrepreneur and founder of The Holdsworth Group, an international consulting firm that has been providing marketing, strategic planning and executive coaching services to clients in the EMS, healthcare and government arenas since 1988. Thanks to Bob and feel free to contact him at: bob@holdsworth.com
Presented by: G. HarvatWritten by: Bob Holdsworth of The Holdsworth Group

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Episode #96: They're At the Post....Reserve the Blinders for the Racehorses
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Have you taken the time to gaze outside your own EMS backyard or do you live in the world that there is only one way to get things done and that's your current way? This is an ever-changing industry and one that requires us to be open-minded and vigilant to that change. Today, we take a look at what happens when you choose to wear blinders and how far it can place you behind the power curve as well as ways to combat this rut that many of us find ourselves in more often than we'd like to admit. All this and more in this edition of the QMC EMS|Board & Collar.
Speaker's Note: Special thanks goes to Bob Holdsworth, President of The Holdsworth Group for today's podcast script. Bob is a well-respected veteran paramedic, entrepreneur and founder of The Holdsworth Group, an international consulting firm that has been providing marketing, strategic planning and executive coaching services to clients in the EMS, healthcare and government arenas since 1988. Thanks to Bob and feel free to contact him at: bob@holdsworth.com
Presented by: G. HarvatWritten by: Bob Holdsworth of The Holdsworth Group

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