QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Episode #87: Riders on the Storm - EMS and the Lady Named Dorian
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Did you enjoy that week's vacation over Labor Day? I hope so but for some of our colleagues and friends, vacation was cut short due to this lady named Dorian who devastated the Bahamas and cities along our mainland. Dorian's wrath did injured many and sadly, a number of people lost their lives. EMS was there once again to assist and work through the terror that Dorian evoked.
While we were saddened by the loss of life, we were heartened that ambulance services from across the country went south into the storm to help where they could. Not many people run into danger but EMS, police and fire step forward and come to help those affected in every case like this.
Once the storm passes and the assisting teams return home, there is still much to consider. This episode of the EMS Board & Collar pays homage to those who are always there in disaster situations. Chuck also passes along a few tips to ensure that your organization can obtain some limited form of remuneration for the time you have committed to going, caring and lending a helping hand. Kudos to all who have made the choice to be Riders on the Storm.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Excuse My Medic Pod Magazine (August 28, 2019)
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Welcome to Episode #3 of Excuse My Medic (EM2). EM2 is a pod magazine for EMS Professionals which brings you headline stories, interesting news and even a few light-hearted moments with Chuck and Gar.
In this episode we will further explore Part 2 the proposed CMS Ambulance Cost Data Collection System and the impact it will have on your organization. Also in this edition, Positive News, The EMS Word of the Day and a couple of zany stories from the "What were you thinking?" files that we are sure you will enjoy. Stop by for an entertaining and informative EM2.
Your Hosts: Chuck Humphrey and Gary Harvat

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Documenting A Bug Named "Flu"
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
So, how are you enjoying your Summer? Great, eh? Good, take it all in because, it's just about history...over...done. Here comes Fall 2019 and with the leaves and the cooler temperatures comes even more fun for those of us in EMS and it's called FLU SEASON (hold the applause please). Yes, get ready for the "flu-like symptoms" responses and the catch-all from your 911 center squawks through the radio as, you know it....generalized weakness. Today, on The QMC Board and Collar we look at properly documenting these cases which you will be sure to have in the days ahead. Get ready for it, a Bug Named Flu is on its way to a neighborhood near you. Welcome Fall.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Without question, probably the most misunderstood and misrepresented form in the ambulance business. The Advance Beneficiary Notice rears its ugly head daily in our industry primarily because providers are just not sure about when or when not to use the form. In this edition of The QMC Board & Collar, we will help sort through this Ball of Confusion and set the record straight on the ABN or more confusingly known as CMS-R-131 (v.03-11). Ugh...Great Googa Mooga!
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
While the thought of Zzzzs may equate to a good night's sleep, in the EMS industry, Zs remain part of the detailed coding now required to process your PCR for payment. Z-codes play a unique role of enabling the coder to drill down to further specify a patient's illness or injury. Without these codes illness and injuries remain somewhat generic in nature and as a result, create more opportunity for denials of claims. Z-codes have been a critical coding component for several years now and in this episode of The QMC Board & Collar we look closer at how Z-codes correlate to the PCR you write.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
The other day, I had a conversation with a co-worker and throughout the conversation both he and I used multiple acronyms - all which have originated from CMS (acronym for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). I thought to myself, goodness, there are a ton of healthcare acronyms out there today, aren't there?
In this episode of The QMC Board & Collar we will continue to use acronyms to detail the Social Security Number Removal Initiative or SSNRI (yet, another acronym) as well as the new MBI (one more acronym - Medicare Beneficiary Identifier) or the MBN (Medicare Beneficiary Number) as well as the HICN (Health Insurance Claim Number). Confused yet? Stay with us, we will get you through it and hopefully, you will understand WTH (What the Heck) these shortened terms of the English language are all about! HAGD, TJU!
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
They don't occur that often but when they do, Specialty Care Transports (SCTs) present to the provider a unique cloud of uncertainty when it comes to documenting these "Misunderstood" transports. While they have long been a part of the EMS Transportation industry, SCTs seem to come as somewhat of a phenomena when making sure billing prerequisites are well-covered to process the trip for payment. In this episode of The QMC Board & Collar, we explore this subject matter and hopefully, bring some clarity to this topic.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Money Ball: Analytics, Cost Data Collection and Your Ambulance Service
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Today, nothing happens without good, solid data to backup every decision that governments and corporations make. Even professional sports teams use analytical data on such things as how to pitch to power hitters or where to position the fielders when a specific batter comes to the plate. From an EMS perspective, with good data we can look to better structure the Medicare ambulance fee schedule to reflect the true costs of providing ambulance services. We will also be able to use the data to pursue providing medical care and reimbursement which is not just tied to transporting patients to facilities.
In this edition of The QMC Board & Collar we stand on the mound and view into the catcher for signals on how this new data collection system will evolve. It's going to be an interesting game ahead that may go into extra innings before a full outcome is achieved.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

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