QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Necessary Evil: The Power of the Pre-Auth - Sometimes Evil but Always Necessary
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
In many cases, the pre-auth is your "ride ticket" toward reimbursement for patient transportation services rendered by your organization. The words, "No ticket, no pay" come to mind with many patients who have been pre-authorized for ambulance transportation by their insurance provider. It's important to not broad brush this and think that all pre-auths are created equal. There's much more to these powerful pieces of paper that we will cover in this edition of The QMC Board & Collar.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Not A Fancy Hallmark Verse but Surely A Sincere Thank You
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
So, on my way into work this morning, I came across an accident. Two cars and lots of challenges with morning traffic trying to navigate around the accident as the medics worked to assist those injured. Yes, they were doing the job that they chose to do but there is something about this group of dedicated individuals that overwhelms me every time I see them caring for those suddenly stricken ill or injured. Given this, I present to you my thoughts and observations in this edition of The QMC Board & Collar.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Come On People - Do Better By Don't Doing
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Burger King, Five Guys, Dunkin', Kentucky Fried, Popeye's, Arby's, Denny's, Dairy Queen, Chik-Fil-A, Hardees, Subway, Sonic, Rally's. Treat yourself better. Don't do it in this edition of The QMC Board & Collar.
Written by: Nutrition Action Healthletter (April 2017)Presented by: G. Harvat

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Yep, There's an App for That! - A Review of the "What's Covered" App from Medicare
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
In this edition of the QMC Board & Collar, we take a look at eMedicare's new tool that came available for IOS and Android in January of this year. While it is primarily built for Medicare consumers, it has some good information within as it pertains to ambulance transports and how Medicare views coverage of these types of patient transports. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this new tool from CMS as you will surely see it in use or have it referred to by many of your Medicare beneficiaries in the days ahead.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Excuse My Medic Pod Magazine (August 6, 2019)
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Welcome to Episode #2 of Excuse My Medic (EM2). EM2 is a pod magazine for EMS Professionals which brings you headline stories, interesting news and even a few light-hearted moments with Chuck and Gar.
In this episode we will spotlight the proposed CMS Ambulance Cost Data Collection System and the impact it will have on your organization. Also in this edition, positive news, the EMS Word of the Day and a couple of zany stories from the "What were you thinking?" files that we are sure you will enjoy. Stop by for an entertaining and informative EM2.
Your Hosts: Chuck Humphrey and Gary Harvat

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Roll with the Changes: The New and Improved PCS
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Unless you've been wearing ear muffs and blinders, you probably have long-noticed that our industry is undergoing a great change. While many can argue that regulations have not helped us with improved reimbursement, some might say that these changes are part of growth which may lead to an improved picture for EMS nationally down the road.
Recently, CMS has proposed changes to the Physicians Certification Statement (PCS). This edition of The QMC Board & Collar is a two-part series which reviews these changes as well as looks at how this will also affect the CMS Ambulance Data Collection System which continues to evolve. It's been said before and is worth repeating...One thing for certain, change is inevitable. Stay tuned.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: C. Humphrey

Monday Aug 05, 2019
SNFers and the Challenges They Present
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Transport of Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) patients can be challenging for many reasons. SNF patients typically have a host of medical problems that are sometimes challenging to manage in the field. Once the field work is complete, comes the task of properly billing these patients to ensure that is done compliantly and according to all pertinent Medicare rules and regs. This edition of The QMC Board & Collar examines pitfalls that can occur as it relates to billing these patients and hopefully, brings some clarity to this matter as well.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Dragon Tamer 101 Part 2: Defining Medicaid
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
So, were you able to get a better handle on how Medicare works from the previous Board & Collar Podcast on Defining Medicare (Dragon Tamer 101: Defining Medicare)? If so, then great! Now, that you have your arms around how Medicare works, here's your basic curve ball. Try this episode on for size as we explore and work to define Medicaid. There are many differences and also similarities to each. We see those words again...under-funding, growing payer class and more.
Take a listen and don't be afraid to toggle through both podcasts to capture the gist of both government-funded programs. Yep, all of this can be a bit overwhelming but we hope these Board & Collar presentations bring some clarity. Onward troops, try your hand at taming this dragon too.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

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