QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Be Part of the Race Without Running: Politics and EMS
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
The candidates are already lining up for the 2020 election for our nation's highest office as well as local government posts. Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming with commercials, radio spots, town hall discussions and even talk around the dinner table with the fam. As much as it taxes one's senses, you can use this to your advantage to talk with, and poll the candidates in your own backyard and educate them on the needs, struggles and value-added your EMS organization brings to the community. We will explore your options for making an impact statement to those running in this edition of The QMC Board & Collar.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
March of the Detractors: "But, We've Always Done it That Way"
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Do you have people within your organization whose favorite quote is "But, we've always done it that way?" If you don't, consider your organization lucky with a group of forward-thinkers. However, it's probably safe to say that every organization has one or two detractors that serve as obstacles keeping you from moving forward with new organizational approaches and implementing innovative ideas.
The detractors are those who pull the others down while leadership plays a tug-of-war game to move the organization forward. In this episode of The QMC Board & Collar, we'll take a closer look at the naysayers and the importance behind the quote that should be your organizational anthem..."The smallest steps lead to the biggest change."
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
It Don't Come Easy....EMS Compliance Isn't Easy
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
In this episode of The QMC Board & Collar we explore the importance behind your organization remaining compliant in every aspect of its day-to-day operation. In 1973, Ringo Starr had a hit song entitled "It Don't Come Easy." I am certain his motivation for this tune was EMS Compliance, don't you think?
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Monday Jul 29, 2019
The Road to the EMS Future - Are You On It?
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Our world both inside and outside of EMS moves quickly. Probably, more quickly than we actually realize. This edition of The QMC Board & Collar provides insight into how technology and analytics is affecting us today and how it will in the future as well. These things, along with how we manage as leaders will serve as an important component for the future of your organization.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Think Before You Speak - How Not to Respond to THAT Question
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Every morning on my way into work, I always try to remind myself to please Gary, engage brain before mouth on all things the day may bring. Sometimes, I am really great at this and other times, I fail miserably. When you're in a patient's presence this is even more paramount. While we may think, amidst their pain and suffering, our patient may not recall things stated to them or the responses we've made to their questions. However, they do, and we need to be cognizant of this every time we have a patient in our care.
This is especially true when they ask THAT big question enroute to the hospital... "How much is this going to cost me?" Be smart about your response and don't get caught in the middle while trying to make your patient feel better through your offered words. It's all in the presentation and the response to this frequent question should be well-planned. Let's explore this a bit more in this session of The QMC Board & Collar.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Questionable Practices: Are We All Singing from the Same Sheet of Music?
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
While the matter of questionable billing practices has not made the evening news in some time (thank goodness!), it's good to re-visit the subject matter just as a simple checkpoint to make sure we are all singing from the same sheet of music. We need to remind ourselves the practices by a few that led to EMS on the whole being placed on the OIG radar screen. While 99.9% of EMS organizations operate and practice a compliant operation, we must always be knowledge of the problems that led a select few to fall short and create challenges for all that do comply.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Don't Be Like the Mice: Are You Blind To 3 Compliance Warning Signs?
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
We often ask people, what's most important for the continued health of your organization? Most state continued/increased revenue or strong cash flow. We agree, and both of these are very important. However, are you turning a blind eye to compliance? Non-compliance will eventually lead to no revenue and no cash flow, trust us. Know the warning signs of non-compliance and don't be like the 3 Blind Mice. Stay vigilant to keep you and your organization away from the cat that lurks beside the mouse hole.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Ten Pounds in a Five Pound Bag: The ALS Assessment Rule
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
What are the driving factors that distinguishes the difference in billing for ALS vs. BLS? Is it how the ALS dispatch and assessment influence the response and subsequent treatment of the patient? In this edition of The QMC Board & Collar, we will take a closer look at this sometimes, confusing topic with the hope of providing a clearer picture of the CMS advanced life support (ALS) assessment rule. Don't be afraid to hit the replay button as we jam ten pounds of information into a five pound podcast.
Written by: C. HumphreyPresented by: G. Harvat

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