QMC EMS | Board & Collar
The EMS Board and Collar Podcast Series for EMS Professionals is sponsored by Quick Med Claims, a national leader in revenue cycle management. This uniquely developed pod-platform provides specialized programs for our listeners with thought-provoking presentations including EMS Keynote, 10Q30 EMS Leadership interviews and revival of the acclaimed EMS pod-magazine, Excuse My Medic with opinionated discussions, light-hearted moments and some great EMS “war” stories along the way.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
The Medicare ground ambulance Prior Authorization process for Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergency Ambulance Transports (RSNATs) is expanding to all states in the U.S. But there is a bit of confusion regarding the required Physicians Certification Statement (PCS) and the Prior Authorization period that we’ll attempt to clear up in this edition of the EMS Board and Collar Podcast. QMC Compliance Team members Rebecca Illig and Chuck Humphrey share their thoughts on the subject.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Everyone is so tense today. The social climate we live in be it the pandemic, inflation, politics…you name it….it get’s to us and causes us to have some very critical conversations. In this episode, we take a look at some practical ways that we all can manage those inevitable critical conversations.
Presenter: Chuck Humphrey

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
The expansion of the Medicare Fee-for-Service Prior Authorization for Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergency Ambulance Transports (RSNATs) is happening right now! Ambulance services in some expansion states are already experiencing the effects of this program. In this podcast episode we explore where the expansion has already happened, where will it happen next and most importantly we provide insight into how your ambulance service can prepare for what’s coming next!
Presenter: Chuck Humphrey

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Episode #172: Dance with Who Brought Ya’ - The Important Role of Mentors
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Their importance is under-rated and they are needed in every profession of today's workforce. Mentors serve as the key learning element for every job whether it's EMS, a beauty shop, welder's supply or car dealer. Professional life without mentors would bring America's business world to a screeching halt. Today, we explore the importance of mentors in emergency medical services and the key role they play in giving new personnel the tools they need to perform their role in the most trying of circumstances. Take a read and remember to always thank and dance with who brought ya'.

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Episode #171: Excuse My Medic (December 17, 2021)
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Welcome to the the Holiday edition of Excuse My Medic (EM2). We blanket a few key topics today including an update on the No Surprises Act hot off the presses, additional information on managing Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Transports and more. Along the way we share a few laughs and pay tribute to all those working this Holiday Season. Join in for some informative conversation and some fun ribbing that you will be sure to enjoy. Happy Holidays from the EM2 team.
Your Hosts: Chuck Humphrey, Ed Marasco and Gary Harvat

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Episode #170: A Survivor‘s Story
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Join Chuck, Gary and Ed as we speak with Craig Partee, the 2021 Association of Air Medical Services Patient of the Year, along with Nina D. from Mercy Flight Central in New York. Join us as we discuss the fateful day when Craig had a barn roof collapse on top of him pinning him under wood, metal and debris for an extended period of time. Craig and Nina will take you through the harrowing moments that followed and how Craig survived and recovered from the injuries he sustained in June of 2020. Hear how Craig has now devoted his "hobby" of NASCAR racing and much of his life to making sure people across the country understand the importance of emergency medical services (EMS) in their respective communities. It's an episode you won't want to miss.
Presenter: Chuck Humphrey, Gary Harvat, Ed Marasco

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
We visit with the Leadership Team from Wolcott Volunteer Ambulance Association in Wolcott, CT. Join us as we pose ten questions to them regarding their organization on topics that affect EMS across our nation. Take a listen about their dedicated team, their community and their commitment to always providing top-notch emergency medical care over their decades of service.Join Gary and Chuck along with the Wolcott team of Chief Bill Barratt and Deputy Chiefs Peter Kaminsky and Andrew Albert as they respond to our 10 questions in 30 minutes (10Q30).
A great session with comments from leaders of a very proud and innovative organization. Join us!
Presenters: Gary Harvat, Chuck Humphrey

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Episode #168: Wonder Why My Back Hurts?
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Take a quick, and somewhat light-hearted, look back with Gary as he recalls EMS life at a much different time. Today's changing technology, advanced medical improvements and innovations in pre-hospital care have him remembering when resources were few. Overall, his look back leaves him with a better understanding as to why his back hurts today.
Presenter: Gary Harvat

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